Friday, January 31, 2014

31 Days & Counting!

Happy Friday UCSD! I thought it would be the perfect time to check in and see how those New Year’s Evolutions are going for you. 

How many of you have stopped into the markets to try the new produce options? Or, maybe you have chosen to check out the new platforms at our dining units, featuring the Mediterranean style Gyro at Pines or Canyon Vista.  Whatever path you have chosen, I want to remind you that HDH is here to help! Our dining and market team is readily available to answer your questions about our menu or product choices and help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Plus, you have access to your own personal Registered Dietitian! Many have taken advantage of this amenity provided through living on campus and are finding that the road to a healthy college journey can be fun and exciting. Check out the crew over at ERC after the New Year’s Pep Talk given last week.

ERC Health & Wellness Event 2014
Interested in planning a group presentation to help with those New Year’s goals once again? Contact me (link) so we can start planning something to kick start your Spring Break, which just happens to be National Nutrition Month! 

Want to learn more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Friday, January 24, 2014

National Peanut Butter Day

Did you know that each and every day of the year has its own food holiday?! Well, today just happens to be National Peanut Butter Day. I am a huge fan of peanut butter and its great nutritional profile, making it enjoyable at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Peanut butter often gets a bad rap because it’s relatively high in calories and fat; some versions even contain the dreaded “trans fat.”

 As I have said before, it’s truly about balance and moderation. If you enjoy a natural peanut butter, then by all means spread that on your toast and have a banana for a perfect combination. However, for those like me who like peanut butter a little too much, then let me introduce you to my good friend, PB2.

PB2 is a powdered peanut butter sold in all Dining Services Markets across campus. PB2 has 85% less calories than regular peanut butter, for the oil is removed and all that’s left is crushed peanut powder. To enjoy this tasty treat, all you have to do is mix the powder with water (or almond milk for a sweet taste) and spread just like you would a regular peanut butter. What’s cool about PB2 is that you can also add it to your oatmeal and smoothies for a nice nutty taste without the added fat.

Just the other day at ERC I was talking with a group of students about this product and had them intrigued by the sound of it! Many UC San Diego students have already hopped on the PB2 train and are stocking up on this hidden gem in their rooms. Don’t miss out! Be sure to stop into your Campus Market today and pick some up for yourself. Stay tuned for a PB2 event happening at the Incredi-Bowls Food Truck in February; you won’t want to miss this!


Want to become famous while eating PB2?! Be sure to check out the #HDHeats contest on the Taste Buds Facebook page to learn more!

 Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dinner with the Dietitian

Happy Tuesday UCSD. Don’t you just love it when you only have a four day week, especially when the weather is as nice as it has been?!

As we head into our third week of winter quarter, I would love to hear your feedback on the new dining platforms and changes that have been made in our restaurant locations.  I encourage you to join me at the kick-off event for the Nutrition Advisory Board tomorrow evening! Please feel free to bring your friends come enjoy dinner with the dietitian at 5pm at Canyon Vista over on Warren College.

Also, I am now accepting guest posts! If you have a recipe entry or specific topic related to health, nutrition, wellness or college life you would like to share, feel free to email me so get your spot on the blog!

 Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Healthy Microwave Egg-Scrambler

Happy Friday Folks!

Today we start off our first EVER guest blogger! Say hello to Evelyn and read on to see her tips & tricks to eating healthy on campus.

Healthy Microwave Egg-Scrambler
The health benefits of eggs are seemingly endless.  They are rich in protein, essential nutrients (like choline, selenium, biotin, vitamin B12 and riboflavin), and they help you keep full for longer.  But without a full kitchen enjoying this superfood becomes a little more difficult.  I would like to introduce you to egg-scramblers!  All of the ingredients for this recipe can be found on campus and you simply need a microwave to make it.  At first, I was skeptical of microwaving my eggs, however the end result is just as fluffy and satisfying as any restaurant omelet.  Whether you want to start your day with a filling meal or enjoy breakfast for dinner, follow these simple steps to fuel your hectic days.
You will need:

1 Microwave safe bowl
1 egg  (or 1/4 of egg whites)
1/3 cup of desired filling (I used artichoke hearts, spinach, and onions from the dining hall's salad bar, but you can choose any combination of vegetables you would like)

You simply:

1) Chop your ingredients into smaller pieces.  BUT if you are using ingredients from the salad bar you can skip this step because they are already cut for you.

2) Put ingredients in the bottom of a microwave bowl and pour your egg over.

3) Thoroughly stir the mixture and then microwave it for 1 minute.

4) Remove scrambler and stir again (please note it is not fully cooked at this time!).

5) Microwave scrambler for one more minute.

6) Remove from microwave and enjoy with whole wheat toast and a piece of a fruit for the perfect meal.
Interested in being a guest blogger? Feel free to email me at with your suggestions! Don't forget to follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Attention: New Menu Items at Canyon Vista!

Are you finding yourself stuck in a dining rut?  Day after day heading straight for the pizza station or grill to order your go to burger?   Well, I challenge you TODAY to step out of your comfort zone and try one of the new delicious entree items at Canyon Vista.

The new Mediterranean Platform will entice your taste buds with an array of customizable choices, including a delicious gyro or hummus platter served with spicy pita wedges...a unique and AMAZING twist to your traditional bread!

Click here to see the full menu & nutritional information on our new platforms:

Remember, items are customizable, so you can create your plate to fit your New Year's Evolution plan :)!

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Friday, January 10, 2014


Happy Friday! Give yourself a pat on the pack, I know how hard it is to make it through the first week after a long break.

For those of you still thinking about how you want to “evolve” in 2014, I suggest you take some advice from a peer, Ms. Evelyn.  Evelyn is committed this year to “starting her quarter with a BANG!” 

Her plan I have to say is rather ingenious! She is spot on with focusing on her overall wellness, which includes:

·         Striving to get ahead on her studies while her workload is light

·         Making new friends through simply saying “hello” to a stranger

·         Rewarding herself when academic/personal/professional goals are met

·         Staying motivated to exercise & soak in sunny San Diego’s beautiful outdoor activities

·         Eating healthfully in moderation, not deprivation!

Not sure if you can tackle all this! Don’t worry, it’s about making small changes that will have a big impact over time. Focus on one thing you know you struggled with last quarter and improve it with baby steps.

Maybe you were up studying until the wee hours of morning for exams last fall? Get ahead of the game and start your notecards now! That will save you from the stress, anxiety and late night munchies you may have engaged in before!

Whatever area you may want to change this year, remember I am here for you and am happy to help out in making your New Year’s goal a success. Feel free to fill out the contact form to make an appointment directly with me!

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!


Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year’s Evolution

Happy 2014 UC San Diego! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and were able to enjoy some well-deserved time off.

If you are one of the many who vow “this year, I will…” and make countless resolutions to improve your health and lose those extra pounds in 2014, I suggest you take a moment and rethink your outlook. Did you know that only 20% of New Year’s resolutions are actually carried out successfully?

Given these odds, I like to think of the New Year as a perfect time to revisit some of the habits that perhaps you wish you had changed in 2013 but for some reason never really could get them to stick. For example, let’s take the most popular resolution that stems around making your health a priority. First, you must consider WHY this is important to you? Do you have a family medical history like Type 2 Diabetes that concerns you?  Are you trying to avoid the freshman 15? Or, is it merely to attain a specific number on the scale?

If your goals seem to be more in line with question #3, then I am sorry to say that this will PROBABLY put you right into that 80% of people who have trouble sticking to their resolutions. However, if you find yourself favoring questions 1 & 2, you are VERY likely to achieve your 2014 health goals.

The reason is people tend to lose sight of the big picture when they focus on numerous short-term goals. For example, wouldn’t it be boring to eat oatmeal and chicken salad every day for the rest of your life just to attain a specific number on the scale? Plus, who can even say that a particular number is right for YOU?!? The important thing is to look at LASTING changes, like incorporating more whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily intakes. Without a doubt, eating more of these items will show in the long run on both the scale and your overall health!

With that said, I challenge you to make a New Year’s Evolution, beginning to see what small change you CAN make to help you modify one of those habits from 2013 that you weren’t so fond of. Win a FREE sample of Somersaults Sunflower Seed Nuggets by posting/sharing/emailing me your VOW by Friday 1/10!

Dining services is here to help. Be sure to stop into one of our Markets on campus to check out the new variety of produce options available: Mung bean sprouts, mangoes, clementines, green beans …yep, we got em’ all!  Or, fill out the contact form (link to make an appointment inserted here) to make an appointment directly with me!

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!