Thursday, March 20, 2014

T-Minus 3 Days = SPRING BREAK

Hey there UC San Diego! I know finals can wear you out but hang in there, you are less than 3 days away from SPRING BREAK!

Have any plans? For those of you venturing out of San Diego, travel safe and have a wonderful vacation. If you plan on sticking around sunny SD, then boy do you have an array of options to check-out! After you head over to Club Med for breakfast or lunch (they’re open from 7:30AM to 2PM Monday-Friday next week), be sure to head on down to the beach and soak up some vitamin D.

Did you know the sun provides one of the best sources of vitamin D? The ultraviolet B rays from the sun deliver vitamin D directly to our bodies, helping with many important functions, like those involving our muscles, brain, immunity and cardiovascular health, The amount of vitamin D available to our body does differ though depending on the region you are in, the time of day, and skin pigment color. Lucky for those here in San Diego you are almost guaranteed a decent amount based on the AMAZING weather we’ve been getting!

Need a little boost after the beach? I suggest grabbing a bite to eat at one of the local spots here in San Diego. These restaurants have received much attention on Food Network shows over the past few years due to their interesting and unique flavor combinations.  A few of my favorites are:

·         Lucha Libre:

·         Blue Water Seafood Grill:

·         Ranchos Cocina:

·         The Broken Yolk Café:

·         Extraordinary Desserts:

You can also download the “On the Road” app on your smart phone to view more places locally as well as places to stop at on the road for those traveling afar.

Have a wonderful spring break and we look forward to seeing you in Spring Quarter. Here’s a reminder of our hours for Spring:

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Surviving Finals: 101- Guest Post!

Check out the latest advice from our guest contributor, Ms. Evelyn Nash over at Warren.

 With finals week approaching quickly, I am definitely spending more time studying and less time cooking.   Surviving on less sleep and more caffeine than usual, the pastries, energy bars, and other convenient items start to look more appealing.  BUT…in order to properly fuel my body and my brain I have found that substituting meals with snacks is not sufficient. Food is fuel and I need to nourish my body with the proper carbs, fats, and proteins.

To help make some changes I found this amazing website called ( with tons of tips and tricks to eat well.  Searching the site the other day I found that the more "convenient" items we tend to go for do not satisfy my hunger.  While these items might taste good, they don’t replace the value of a “real meal.”  So, here are some tricks I have found helpful and thought I would share with you so you too can be in tip top performance for your exams!

Breakfast:  As easy as it might be to just grab a donut from Earl's in the morning, I find that I am usually hungry within an hour after doing so. recommends that women between the ages of 19-30 consume 6 ounces of grains a day and men at these ages consume at least 8 ounces! I have been loving the little individual to-go oatmeal cups! They are just as easy as grabbing a muffin but actually give me more fiber to help fuel my body all morning.

Lunch: When lunch rolls around grabbing a bag of chips or a power bar may seem like the best possible time-crunch choice, but the Market-To-Go sandwiches or a quick salad made from one of the Dining Services Restaurants is much better at keeping my brain clear and alert.  Having a more substantial meal with proteins and good-for-you carbohydrates as opposed to a salty snack will help you maintain your focus for your long afternoon.

Dinner: I don't know about you but when the clock hits 6pm my stomach starts grumbling.  Entering the Dining Services Restaurants I am overwhelmed by the smell of the grill items like the fries, burgers, and pizza. Though all are delicious and can fit in a balanced meal plan, I have found choosing the Taste Bud-approved meals instead to be a no-brainer! I love not having to rack my brain about what’s the healthiest choice for me and know it will taste good, too.

My biggest tip to survive finals week would be that when it comes to meals, don't take the easy way out with quick packaged convenience foods. There are just as many, if not more, balanced meal options on campus that will actually sustain you through those 1am cram sessions.

Best of luck with Finals!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right!

March is National Nutrition Month (NNM) and your UCSD Dining Restaurants and Markets are going ALL out! Read on to learn how you can enter to win a FREE meal AND campuswide recognition of YOUR favorite healthy recipe!

To celebrate the taste of “Eating Right,” your HDH Taste Buds are promoting the daily menu specials in our Dining Restaurants as well as the many options available to you in the Markets. Submit your favorite healthy recipe, utilizing foods you’ve picked up at the Markets via Facebook, email ( or comment here. Winners will be chosen each week and will have their recipe featured on a Market recipe card AND get a FREE Taste Bud entrée in one of our Dining Units!

Don’t forget to check out the daily menus on our mobile app or website ( to see which entrees spark your interest for lunch or dinner today. Or, stop in on your way to class and grab a Dietitian Delight to kick start your day with a lean protein and whole grain.

If a Dining Restaurant special isn’t what you’re craving, you can still enjoy the Taste of Eating Right at one of our Retail locations. For instance, head on over to Goody’s and build yourself a burrito bowl with lots of veggies and grilled chicken topped with Pico de Gallo to fit the Taste Bud criteria. The Taste of Eating Right can fit many different categories, so be sure to think outside the box and try something new!

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!