Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Get In The Know!

Are you in the know? Well, if you aren’t before reading this, you will be shortly. February 23rd marked the kick off for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week that runs through March 2nd. Eating disorders are not lifestyle choices, but serious illnesses that affect both males and females every year.

Did you know that 95% of people who report having an eating disorder are between the ages of 12-26? Because many of you fall within this age group, it’s important that you know the facts.

The nature of an eating disorder is truly complex and involves a variety of different behaviors, all of which have a common theme that stems from a desire for control. Regardless of the type of eating disorder behavior (restrictive or excessive eating, exercising, or other behavioral use), each is JUST as serious as the next. Eating disorders also have a high incidence of mortality amongst all ages and genders.

If you or someone you love may have an eating disorder, address the issue. CAPS (Counseling and Psychological, 858-534-3755) and SHS (Student Health Services- 858-534-3300) on campus have excellent teams of medical professionals available to get the services you need. I encourage you to contact them to begin the road to recovery; sometimes it only takes one person to make a difference.

The internet is also a great source to find help in how to address a loved one with an eating disorder. Here are some recommend websites I use when working with students:

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Highway to Heart Health

Did you know that February is National Heart Awareness Month? Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in the US today.  Although most people associate heart disease as something that affects older generations, more research is showing the detrimental effects of heart disease on our younger population. Why?  

Well, it really is a combination of both dietary choices and physical activity. It’s no surprise that obesity is on the rise due to American reliance on convenience foods that are easy to grab on-the-go. Although they may be satisfying in the moment (who doesn’t enjoy a Pop-Tart on your way to class?), continuing to eat these foods day after day may increase your risk of developing conditions related to heart disease.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying eating a donut or breakfast pastry will cause you to have a heart attack! What I am suggesting is that you pay closer attention to the conveniently packaged items you eat on a daily basis and challenge yourself to try one of Ms. Nash’s quick and convenient heart healthy ideas for on-the-go munching!

Show Yourself Some Love

Evelyn Nash

As a busy college student, being healthy and nourishing our bodies sometimes gets set aside.  This task becomes especially more difficult because February also means midterms. Suddenly soda, French fries, and candy look much more appealing than healthier alternatives.  Fortunately I found some amazing options in the marketplaces on campus that are not only heart-healthy but are delicious and provide great study fuel for 8th and 9th week grind.

1. Strawberries are full of heart-healthy vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.  They satisfy a sweet craving without sacrificing nutritional benefits.  I like eating them with low-fat yogurt for a creamy treat.

2. A handful of almonds is not only a filling and protein-rich snack, but heart-healthy!  Almonds have been shown to help control blood sugar which can prevent heart disease.  If you don't like them plain you can also purchase one of the trail mixes sold at the markets.

3. It is true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Whether you enjoy apples plain, on top of your morning oatmeal, or with a spoonful of nut butter they are very good for your heart.  Apples help to lower bad cholesterol and they are extremely filling.

4. When munchies strike don't reach for chips or candy, try popcorn instead.  Air-popped popcorn is actually packed full of fiber that can help prevent heart disease.  As long as you keep your popcorn plain (avoid topping it with rich butter or cheese) you can enjoy a guilt-free snack and satisfy your salty cravings.

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mind Body Wellness

Good morning UCSD! I had the pleasure of speaking at the ICRA conference this past weekend about achieving total wellness. It was an awesome opportunity for campus leaders throughout southern California to come and be reminded about the basics when it comes to taking care of yourself. After all, in order to be a great leader, you must maintain your own personal wellness, right?

Our UCSD NRH members also attended and were a great asset to the event. Here is a little insight from one of our own students on the path to achieving total wellness:  

Hi folks!
The name’s Will; I’m a third year undergrad from Revelle College majoring in Communication and minoring in Human Development. Going strong in my third year now, I guess you can say I’ve learned a lot about UCSD from my numerous experiences pertaining to residence life and working for the Office of Parent & Family Programs under the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. But at the same time, these experiences continue to teach me a great deal about myself.

Around my second year is when I found the drive to try eating better and exercising regularly. By talking to various friends, mentors, and advisors, I also found that journaling was a great way for me to do more for myself than just take care of my body.

Journaling has helped me improve my emotional well-being. A lot of people don’t journal because they think it’s cliché or that it’s so abstract that they don’t know where to start. That’s just it: the cool thing about journaling is that the details don’t matter — you simply make it your own.

My point: taking care of your health — be it through eating a balanced diet, regularly exercising, taking your vitamins, and/or getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep — is definitely important, but bringing your psyche into balance with your body is just as vital.

Thanks to the HDH Taste Bud program that has supported my life as a Triton by helping me get the most out of the nutrition resources available on campus. My advice to folks is to try all of the free on-campus resources available to you at least once before you graduate. You never know what you might find!
 Will Hsu

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Power of Protein

How many of you have heard that protein is an essential part of your diet or that it is key if you want to lose weight/build lean muscle? Well, today I hope to fill in those gaps and paint a clear picture for you on the facts of protein.

1.      Fact: Protein IS in fact an essential macronutrient. It is important for not only building lean muscle but also for keeping you fuller longer!  Including protein with your breakfast, lunch, and dinner is a great way to practice a healthy diet.

2.      Fiction: Animal protein is necessary.  It is NOT necessary to eat animal based protein, although this form does provide a different variety of nutrients. Protein can be found in a variety of complex carbohydrates, legumes, and soy based products that when paired together give you a complete package!

3.      Fiction: Protein shakes are necessary after a workout. Yes, protein is indeed important for repairing muscle after a strenuous workout, however it is not always necessary to fill up on protein powder based shakes.  Protein can be found in a Greek yogurt parfait that provides an equivalent if not greater amount than the one scoop of powder.

4.      Fact: Protein bars provide a convenient source of protein on the go. Protein bars are excellent to incorporate for those who have a hard time getting up in time for breakfast and need a nutritional boost on the way to class. Just make sure to choose the right kind for your needs! Our markets across campus are stocked with a wide variety.  I personally like to recommend Kind, Luna, and Cliff Bars. They all have a fairly similar nutrition profile that will keep you full until you’re out of class!

Still not sure if you believe me? There’s research out there to prove it! Check out the recent article published in the New York Time’s that breaks down protein even further and gives you the 411 on the bars available to help you make the decision on what’s best for you! Link :

A Selection of Protein Bars @ Your Neighborhood Market!

Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!