Monday, September 30, 2013

Campus Eats!

Hello again! I hope you’re surviving your first official week of fall quarter 2013 at UC San Diego, your new home away from home!  One of the luxuries of living on campus is having an abundant variety of food types to choose from.  Want a burrito? Head over to Goody’s. Craving pizza? Check out Foodworx. Want a sweet treat? Why not Rogers!

These next posts will introduce you to some of the menu items located within our HDH dining facilities at each college. Regardless of where you’re living on campus, there is a market or dining facility less than a five minute walk away.  Each location has an array of tasty and delicious choices!  Do you have a particular medically necessitated dietary need or lifestyle type of diet that you follow? No worries! We have options that can meet your needs.

Check out for a larger image!

Although I will definitely point you towards some of the best-selling eats at each location, my ultimate goal is to show you how to enjoy a variety of choices while avoiding gaining the freshman 15! C’mon, I wouldn’t be your HDH dietitian if I didn’t throw some better (but still tasty!) choices your way.

Stay tuned for a new unveiling coming soon!

 Interested in learning more about a particular topic? Feel free to email me at or follow HDH on twitter & check Facebook for upcoming events featuring the Taste Buds!

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