Friday, January 30, 2015

Hang in there!

Happy Friday UC San Diego!

Now that we're a solid month into the New Year, I think it's prime time we get a little #inspiration back in our routines... right?! Today we're in luck for we have our 6th College wellness advocate, Michael, here to give us the 4-1-1 on sticking to our New Years Resolutions.

Do Not Give Up
By Michael Phan


Every New Year, many people come up with resolutions and goals for the year. I have heard lots of common fitness and health resolutions from eating a “clean” diet, wanting to lose X pounds/body fat, going to the gym X times a week, and working out multiple times. For the first week, the passion, the desire, and the determination are glistening in people’s eyes. However, after the first few weeks, the enthusiasm diminishes, people quit, and they regress to their old state. It’s happened to a lot of my family and friends. And every time I see this, it saddens me because the feeling that one attains when completing a goal is euphoric. Your goal is achievable if you just do not give up.

When planning my goals, I imagine a goal as a one mile walk. One cannot get from the start to finish in an instant. I need to take steps to reaching the finish line. Goals are achieved in steps, so plan out the process to reaching the goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds this quarter, break it down into smaller pieces. Change the 10 lbs per quarter to 1 lb a week, so that you can assess your progress and make weekly adjustments. Some adjustments you can make are very simple, like adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet and moving more!
Achieving the goal is simple, if one breaks down the steps to achieving the goal. Simple does not mean easy. There will be plenty difficult day, but if you stick to your goal, assess your progress, and make adjustments; you will achieve the goal.

Excuses are the biggest hindrances to achieving your goal. Time, difficulty, genetics, and money are common excuses that one makes. Excuses are justifications of why one does not want to complete the goal. It makes one feel good immediately, but that feeling is short lived. Do not make excuses. If you really want to achieve your goal, then shoot for it. If you fall short of your goal, but still manage to make progress, then you are better than you were a couple weeks/months ago. Once you achieve that goal, you will be happier and feel a sense of pride in yourself. If you have a goal, achieve your goal. There is no better time to start living a healthy lifestyle than today. So put your New Year’s resolutions and goals in action! Best wishes to you all.
WELL said Michael! I couldn't agree with you more!!!
If you have any comments, feedback or want to learn more, feel free to email me directly at

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Did someone say cheese?!

Happy Thursday UC San Diego!

Today we have a special treat for you.... a guest post from a fellow UCSD student, Megan! Check out what she has to say about her latest experience at the 64 Degree Demonstration Station!!!

Hi I’m Megan. UCSD Student. Which often means busy, tired, and most of all, hungry.

For me, the live demonstration at 64 Degrees was perfect.  I attended The National Cheese Day Demo and felt like a VIP getting a personal show and insider cooking information! I loved learning cooking tips like different chopping techniques and flavor combinations from Executive Chef Vaughn Vargus. Meanwhile, Registered Dietician Elizabeth Shaw was constantly providing great nutrition facts and quick tips to make the dish healthier and more nutritious. I was extremely happy to hear from Elizabeth that softer cheeses are more nutritional. I will now eat only Brie for the rest of my days, BUT in moderation J (I learned that at the demo too!)

In addition to the valuable information I gained at the demo, Chef Vaughn and Elizabeth also ensured us that you can find all the ingredients for the healthy meal in our campus markets! This was exciting because as busy students, we often turn to quick yet unhealthy microwavable meals rather than cooking a nutritious meal. But knowing that we can access the ingredients for goat cheese and strawberry bruschetta, potato lasagna, and chopped salad with homemade dressing in our markets encourages me to easily walk to my neighborhood market and get all of these fresh ingredients to make a meal that I know is good for me.  

And last but not least, THE FOOD! The food was so delicious, and was a great treat to end the demo with. Not only did I feel full, I felt content knowing that I got in some healthy vegetables and proteins that kept me energized in my afternoon classes. This is definitely a meal I would make again, and a demo I would attend again. Thank you Tastebuds for an awesome time!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ready, set, let’s cook!

Attention UC San Diego! The time has finally come for Dining Services to unveil the Demonstration Station at 64 Degrees! Yours truly (aka your Registered Dietitian) and HDH’s Executive Chef Vaughn Vargus will be breaking in the new demonstration kitchen this coming week with the first LIVE demo of 2015!

Are you interested in learning how to prepare healthy and delicious meals?! Do you want to learn how you can use those dining dollars here on campus? Or, do you simply just LOVE TO EAT?!  If you answered YES to any of these questions, then the Demonstration Station is the spot for you!

Seats are filling up quickly and I would love to see your smiling face in one of them! Be sure to check out the link ( where you can see some of the events lined up for the quarter.

Next week we’ll be cookin’ up some Italian Classics in honor of National Cheese Day! Don’t miss out, the cheesy potato lasagna and freshly chopped salad are to die for!  

Interested in hosting a presentation at the Demonstration Station with the Taste Bud duo? Email us at and we would be happy to plan an event with you!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015… The Start of a GREAT Year

Happy New Year UC San Diego! I hope you had a wonderful break and are back with a rejuvenated spirit to conquer all that 2015 has in store. I just love the beginning of a new year… it’s the perfect time to sit back and reflect on the year past and set goals for the year ahead.

I know, I know, 90% of goals set typically revolve around some sort of weight loss and lifestyle change, which is not necessarily a bad thing! But, let’s start out on a new foot this year and think of 3 goals you want to focus on this year: personal, educational, and ….?

Here, I’ll get things started!

1. Personally, I would LOVE to spend some quality time with my family. 2014 we were so wrapped up in being homeowners we let the little things go. I miss the little things!

                Goal: Relish in the moment… CARPE DIEM with the hubby!

2. Educationally, I would love to learn how to take some awesome photos! I recently bought a camera and am excited to learn what lighting works best for food photos!

                Goal: Learn to take a fantastic photo!

3. Healthy-fully!, I would like to take up yoga. I have always had this on my New Year’s List, and darn it it’s about time I get to it!

                Goal: Learn what child’s pose really is!

Phew, now I’ve put it out there, I better get to it! I’d love to hear yours too! What’s on your agenda.. 2015?

Feel free to comment here or post to Facebook! I may just have a sample or two to get you started! J